
Works on all devices
Your flipbook will work on any desktop PC, phone or tablet. We are the first service in the world that has a 100% HTML5 flipbook that truly works on all devices without the need of installing third party software.

SEO friendly
All the content within your flipbook can be indexed by search engines. When users click on a search result, the flipbook will open and automatically flip to the page that contains the keyword the user was looking for.

Links to pages, websites or email
When you upload a PDF, we automatically extract all the links that are already in your PDF and add them into your flipbook. You can also add/manage links manually using the link editor in your account.

Offline Flipbook
Want to use your flipbook on offlline media? You can store your flipbook on your harddrive, USB drive, burn to a CD/DVD, or other format so it remains accessible even when you aren’t online!

Facebook integration
Get all your friends, family, and others on your social networks talking about how amazing your flipbook is! Your flipbooks are optimized to be easily integrated with Facebook fanpages and shared without limit.

If you want, you can give your readers the option to download your publication as a PDF file so they can save it for offline use. While the PDF format doesn’t offer full flipbook functionality, it does allow you to print it out to always have at hand.

Enable or disable the features you want, adjust the colors so it fits your brand or give it a custom background color/image. Every function within your flipbook can be activated or deactivated however you wish.

The search functionality inside your flipbook helps readers navigate directly to targeted words and phrases right away. This is especially useful if you’ve got a “thicker” flipbook with more material to sift through.

Spice up your flipbook by embedding Youtube or Vimeo videos directly into the pages. The videos will play inside your flipbook, which enhances the user experience of your readers. Showcase products, give a virtual tour or add customer testimonials.

Click to zoom
Want your readers to get a closer look at a high-quality image that deserves a more detailed study? Maybe you’ve got some tiny text (fine print, anyone?) that your readers need to pay attention to. No need to squint with this handy tool.

Print pages
We may be all about digital content, but that doesn’t mean we’ve left good ol’ hardcopy by the wayside. If you want, you can give your readers the option to print out any page they like.

And many other features..
We have several other smaller features for you to discover. If you click on the settings icon below your flipbook, you have other features like: pageflipping sound, tooltips, hardcover, autoflip pages and more.